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Checkout using Facebook login on

There is an opportunity for online retailers to leverage Facebook login (formerly known as Facebook Connect) to streamline the checkout process. I wanted to share what did and while not perfect, it’s a good start.

The first checkout screen presents the traditional options but adds the option to use Facebook/Twitter.


When clicking on the Facebook login button , the user is prompted to grant Skechers permission to access his/her account

fb permissionsNext, the user is taken to the account page which I found a bit confusing. I would expect to arrive directly to the next page where I can fill additional data and submit my order.


So I had to click “checkout now”, and then we see the value of Facebook login. Skechers fills some of the information for me (First and Last name) and it also has my email address (from my Facebook account). For some reason , the country was not automatically selected for me.


Next steps are the typical additional checkout pages you would expect to see. What do you think? Do consumers prefer to checkout using their social network profiles on

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